Sunday, 27 November 2016

The Big Conversation.

Stress in children and young people is being highlighted both within education and healthcare, this weeks blog discusses the impact this has on children and young people accessing health and social care- and how opportunities could be developed to allow these conversations to happen naturally, and without pressure.
I also want to reiterate that this all depends on your training and experience, the setting,and time and space logistics.
Resources can be paper, pens, paint, but equally a cup of tea, a cup of hot chocolate or a movie with pauses.

There has been much written and shared in regards to how the evidence is presented, within health settings, and educational settings in both the national press and within articles shared.
We also know that much work is being done by many organisations, charities and individuals as well as children and young people taking the lead.

I wanted to share some observations and conversations taking place between children and young people ,the language they use, the ideas shared and how this may influence healthcare professionals and the positive changes that may occur naturally.
The best way is to share a piece of writing, a collection of sentences and thoughts because sometimes it is just about the honesty of children and young people.

  " Lets have the big conversation
        Please give me the space to say how I feel.
           Let me express my anger, pain, joy and my hopes
              Be there to hold me, not physically, but with your words, if that's want I   
                  want, I may not know that's what I need.
                     I don't know how I feel, I do know that it hurts like hell.
                        I am not always brave, because its not about being brave.
                          I am human.
                            I am strong, but I can also be broken, please help put my pieces
                               back together.
                                 Please support me so I can talk, so I can be me.
                                   If I can't talk,I might be broken again.
                                     Help me to find the "something" to give me a
                                           When I see a glimmer of hope- please help me to embrace it-
                                                I might not know how that feels"

There are many charities and organisations that are pushing the boundaries and sharing resources, many individuals offering there experience and support.
A few are detailed below.

  •  (@bemoreollie)
  • (@YoungMindsUK)
  • British Youth Council (@bycLIVE)
  • (Papyrus_tweets)

Sian Spencer-Little
(C) Nov 2016

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