Tuesday, 22 December 2015

A Silent Wish.

When those around us need help
When those around us are in pain.
We should listen for the sounds , when they ask again,we should watch for the signs.
For we may have missed their silent call for care.
We may have missed the very essence of their need, and slowly they disappear.
They may be our patients, they may be our colleagues.
 It could be us, as we send a silent wish.

We all spend so much time - reaching out with kindness and care, that even in the deepest times of despair and discomfort - we miss the importance of what is being said.
I have spent many months this year calling to my colleagues, picking up the banton of patient first and experience-  waving it frantically at times.
Sometimes it is taken and great things have happened- and at times it has fallen to the floor.
Over this last year there have been huge strides, and there have been times for me that have been so difficult and distructive, that some days I have felt like I have carried the biggest of boulders in my bag.
Throughout the year I have grown, discovered a strength deep within,that I didn't think was there, have collaborated with inspiring peers- and have learnt that being true to what you believe and feel is both freeing and frightening in equal measure.
I recall a conversation with a family. 
"You see Sian it's easy to "act" like you are giving the best performance of your life, but really you want and need the permission to strip that costume and at times  feel naked and all consumed in order to let it all out"
I thought about how honest this family had been with me- how trust plays a huge part of patient care and support.
Then I reflected on my month, my year.
I thought about how do we really allow families to feel free enough to be able to strip away there performance - and allow us to see the core of need.
I haven't got all the answers- but I know that one way could be providing an environment that allows honesty and opportunities - that listens and that doesn't promise the magic wand action.
I have been reading lots and collaborating with great minds- I have also been listening - and taking time to explore authenticity- and how this impacts patient care.

My silent wish for the new year- to continue with planting those seeds- of providing them with food and fuel- of nurturing them and supporting the start of the growth.

Wishing you many moments of peace, joy and happiness in equal measure.


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