The negatives teach us, form us, allow us to improve our practise, impact on our very being, and in turn stay with us.
There are many professional partnerships that engage HCP's and inturn impact on the relationships of work in our lives and the way forward.
There are also many people we will meet, along the way that will impact our lives forever.
Leaders, families, children and young people become my Powerful, Evolving, Play Partners.
They encourage me- and support me to tap into my inner self, my practise and my inner child, my creative self- this has an impact on the type of care I offer and give.
Play and its impact in Healthcare also evolves and changes, sometimes at an alarming rate, as HCP'S we work with a diverse and amazing range of individuals, patients, and professionals.
It also grows and collects inner strength as more is shared and experienced.
In recent months I have added to my learning, to the way I share my knowledge, I have been enriched by this experience, and this impacts on the way I can support C&YP and their families.
I take inspiration from many things to enhance my practise, to provide rich opportunities for specialised play moments.
I recall "Hunter Patch Adams"
" Waiting in line is a great opportunity to meet people, daydream or play"
There are also many people we will meet, along the way that will impact our lives forever.
Leaders, families, children and young people become my Powerful, Evolving, Play Partners.
They encourage me- and support me to tap into my inner self, my practise and my inner child, my creative self- this has an impact on the type of care I offer and give.
Play and its impact in Healthcare also evolves and changes, sometimes at an alarming rate, as HCP'S we work with a diverse and amazing range of individuals, patients, and professionals.
It also grows and collects inner strength as more is shared and experienced.
In recent months I have added to my learning, to the way I share my knowledge, I have been enriched by this experience, and this impacts on the way I can support C&YP and their families.
I take inspiration from many things to enhance my practise, to provide rich opportunities for specialised play moments.
I recall "Hunter Patch Adams"
" Waiting in line is a great opportunity to meet people, daydream or play"
I have had many conversations this week about the balance of life and work.
Particularly this week as we Welcome new doctors and nurses to our teams.
Particularly this week as we Welcome new doctors and nurses to our teams.
Some say that there should be a clear definable line that exists, to show when work starts and finishes, downtime should be present and what allows you joy and happiness should fill this downtime.
We spend many hours in our place of work, how do we as HCP's define downtime?
We all have different ways of managing and working through our "things to do" lists- are we realistically observing and recognising our stress levels.

I recognise that there are many levels of stress, that this is real, it exists, and I can only comment on my experiences at work.
I have felt at times engulfed with workload- I turned to those who could support my passion.
When I spend time with C&YP, I feel an immense amount of joy, of contentment- in many ways they are my fuel, they enrich me as a person, and my life.
I feel I am lucky to work in this field of care and support.
With the new doctors in mind I started to think about "3 enabling tips"
We can use these, everyone can..
Practicing gratitude gives you a happiness advantage
Practicing gratitude gives you a happiness advantage
you may be tired, have a list that is forever being added to- but it is this list, this record of all that you are involved in - that is a driving force in your levels of happiness, sense of self and passion, even if none of the boxes get ticks.
The passion to engage, to make a difference, however small.
2. Each end of day/shift- 2 "moments" that will remind you in the months to come- just why we do this, this will be like an energy bar- for the tough times.

Dance, sing, draw, create, jump up and down, write, cook, explore, have a water fight with, walk, - It will impact on your training, it will encourage a healthy play outlet, it will enhance you as a HCP.
Downtime - for me its, writing, reading, exploring, playing.
It's my work- its who I am.
Sian Spencer-Little.
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