Sunday, 14 June 2015

Play for Health

Sharing of Skills.

#Hellomynameis.... Sian, I am a Specialised Play and Activities Practitioner.
Having worked with  children, young people and their families for a few years now ( nearly 15yrs!) it always amazes me how much I learn each and everyday.
I am also very fortunate to have worked with, and work alongside the most dedicated Hospital Play Specialists, Nurses, Doctors and Consultants, as well as the amazing team that provide support and care for those patient's and their families.
The list is endless.
One of the reason's I am beginning this new phase of my work journey is to share ideas, thoughts and themes within my field of experience, to develop ways of working with and supporting children and young people during the hospital process.
Impacting on the patient experience, promoting working practises that highlight the importance of communication, clarity, working together and sharing that with the clinical teams, both in Paediatrics and Nursing- getting to the key issues that face children and young people.
What is important to them, what do they need from us, how does it feel to be in hospital.
These are the most important questions.
Along the way I hope to share ideas,  different ways of working, of asking the questions, of getting feedback and how this impacts what I do.
Taking my lead from those C&YP I have the privilege to care for and work alongside.

I do not know everything, I learn new ideas, communication methods and ways of working each day.
Together we may laugh, cry, share and teach, but ultimately we will empower and help shape and develop C&YP care and their hospital journey's.
#Hellomynameis..... is the most important way to start.


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