Monday, 8 August 2016

First Introductions.

I have been thinking a lot about introductions of late.
Of how we inform another of who we are and what we do.

First introductions, are key, they establish a connection, an understanding and offer respect to both parties.

They set the scene, the tone and begin to allow trust to grow and develop.

They offer kindness and compassion, and say I am here and I am interested.
A key message to all the new doctors starting their rotational placements this week.

A Key message to all who work in healthcare and beyond.

#Hello my name is Sian.
Dr Kate Granger and her husband Chris- paved the way, set the standard, reminded us all of what power a human connection has.
@PointonChris we shall continue to hold Kates shining light, high and for all to see and say #Hellomynameis.

4 words, make the connection and lead the way.

I also wanted to share a story with you- a moment in time of connection, trust, and wonder.

" I always wanted to be a princess and wear a sparkly tiara, and a big fluffy pink dress, didn't you always want to be one when you were little" asked the young person I had been supporting through out a long adventure through chemotherapy.
I replied " well if I am really honest I didn't want to be a princess, I really just dreamed of wearing a nurses uniform and looking after lots of children"
The young person looked at me and said "isn't that strange how we had different dreams when we were young, I don't suppose it will ever happen for me now"
I replied " so what would stop you from dressing up now?"
She took some time to reply and said " Well look I'm not exactly attractive at the moment, nor do I feel like it"
I asked " so what could we do to change that?"

"Oh Nut Nut you are funny, always wanting to make a change or a difference, have you always been like this" The young person giggled and laughed.

I smiled and said " so what can we do to make this happen?"

The ending of this story is one that I will never forget, as this young person really shaped who I am, and who I have become.
Lots of pink dress material and lace was acquired, sparkles and tape and over the next week her room turned into a dress designers studio, there was laughter, tears, honesty, fear, love and wonder.

On the last day- of her last chemo - she emerged, dress on, tiara on, - a Princess she was.
The smile on her face..................... just beautiful, and I felt so honoured and humbled to be just a tiny sparkle enough to allow her to shine.

Never under estimate the drive and value of first introductions, of wanting to make a difference, of having the courage when around you has lost theirs, of hope and of dreams.

Maybe you could be the one who makes the connection- go on try it.

(C)   Sian Spencer-Little